Table Rock, Niagara

Print Title:

Chast Niagarskago Vodopada [Part of Niagara Falls -- Table Rock]


Print Source:

Print based on an original watercolor by Pavel Petrovich Svin'in, published in "Opyt zhivopisnago puteshestviia po sievernoi amerikie (An Illustrated Description of a Picturesque Journey through North America)", St. Petersburg, Russia in 1815 by F. Drekhslera. The image is noted in Russian, "drawn from nature, P. Sv[in'in]"

Svin'in, a Russian diplomat, traveled America in 1811 to 1813 to act as translator and secretary to the Russian Consulate in Philadelphia. He kept a diary with watercolor sketches of his time in America that included an African American Baptist prayer meeting, a Philadelphia baptism,  and other views of "the amusements of Indians," steamboats, fishing in Newfoundland, and Niagara Falls. His chapters on American religious practices,  steamboats, and General Moreau appeared in English but the majority of this first Russian travelogue through North  America never made it into English translation.

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Table Rock, Niagara
Enoch Wood & Sons