A View of the Late Protestant Dutch Church in the city of Albany
Alms House, Boston
Alms House, New York - A. Stevenson
Alms House, New York - Ridgway
Almshouse, Boston
Almshouse, New York - R. Stevenson
Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls, The
Aqueduct Bridge at Rochester, The
Athenaeum, Boston
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (so-called)
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, The – Incline
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, The – Level
Baltimore Alms House
Baltimore Assembly Rooms
Baltimore Court House
Baltimore Hospital
Baltimore Masonic Hall
Bank of the United States Philadelphia
Bank Savannah
Belleville on the Passaic River
Boston Exchange Coffee House
Boston Harbor
Boston State House #1 - Rogers
Boston State House #1 - Wood
Boston State House #2 - Rogers
Boston State House #2 - Wood
Boston State House #3 - Rogers
Boston State House - Maker Unknown
Brooklyn Ferry
Cambridge College, Massachusetts
Capitol at Harrisburg
Capitol Washington, The - Wood
Capitol, Washington - Maker Unknown
Capitol, Washington - R. Stevenson and Ralph Stevenson and Williams
Capitol, Washington - Ridgway
Castle Garden Battery, New York #1
Castle Garden Battery, New York #2
Catholic Cathedral, NY
Catholic Church
Catskill House, Hudson
Catskill Mountains, Hudson River
Charleston Exchange
Chillicothe #1
Chillicothe #2
Church & Buildings Adjoining Murray St., New York
Church in the City of New York
City Hall, New York
City Hall, New York - Ridgway
City Hall, New York - Stubbs
City Hotel, New York
City of Albany, State of New York
Columbia College - A. Stevenson #1
Columbia College - A. Stevenson #2
Columbia College, N. Y. - R. Stevenson
Columbia College, NY - Ralph Stevenson & Williams
Cottage in the Woods
Court House, Baltimore
Court House, Boston - Ridgway
Court House, Boston - Stevenson & Williams
Custom House, Philadelphia
Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia, The #1
Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia, The #2
Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia, The #3
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Con. - R. Stevenson
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Con. - Ridgway
Entrance of the Canal into the Hudson at Albany
Entrance of the Canal into the Hudson at Albany - A. Stevenson
Entrance of the Erie Canal into the Hudson at Albany - Wood
Erie Canal, Aqueduct Bridge at Rochester #1
Erie Canal, Aqueduct Bridge at Rochester #2
Erie Canal, View of the Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls
Esplanade and Castle Garden, New York
Exchange, Baltimore - Henshall
Exchange, Baltimore - Ridgway
Exchange, Charleston
Fair Mount near Philadelphia
Fort Gansevoort, New York
Franklin Tomb
Fulton Market, New York
Gilpin's Mills on the Brandywine Creek
Governor's Island
Harvard College #1
Harvard College #2
Harvard College #3
Headwaters of the Juniata
Highlands at West Point, Hudson River #1
Highlands at West Point, Hudson River #2
Highlands North River
Highlands, Hudson River
Hoboken in New Jersey
Holliday Street Theatre, Baltimore
Hope Mill Catskill, State of New York
Hospital, Boston #2 - R. Stevenson
Hospital, Boston - Ridgway
Hospital, New York
Hudson River View
Insane Aslylum, New York - Stevenson
Insane Asylum, New York
Insane Hospital, Boston
Junction of the Sacandaga and Hudson Rivers
Lake George, State of New York
Lawrence Mansion, Boston (so-called)
Library, Philadelphia
Marine Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky #1
Masonic Hall, Philadelphia - Ridgway
Masonic Hall, Philadelphia - Stevenson
Mendenhall Ferry
Military Academy, West Point
Mitchell and Freeman's China and Glass Warehouse Chatham Street Boston
Mount Pleasant Classical Institution, Amherst, Mass.
Mount Vernon Nr Washington
Mount Vernon Seat of the Late Gen Geo Washington
Mount Vernon, the Seat of the Late Gen'l Washington
Nahant Hotel (near) Boston
Nahant Hotel Nr Boston
Near Fishkill
New York Battery
New York Bay
New York from Brooklyn Heights
New York from Heights Nr Brooklyn #01
New York from Heights Nr Brooklyn #02
New York from Weehawk
Niagara #1
Niagara from the American Side
Oatlands, Surrey
Octagon Church, Boston
Octagon Church, Boston - R. Stevenson & Williams
Park Theatre, New York #1 - R.Stevenson
Park Theatre, New York - Geddes
Park Theatre, New York - Stubbs
Pass in the Catskill Mountains
Passaic Falls, State of New Jersey #1
Passaic Falls, State of New Jersey #2
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia - R. Stevenson
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia - Ridgway
Pine Orchard House, Catskill Mountains
Scudder's American Museum
St Paul's Church, Boston
St. Paul's Chapel
State House, Boston - Ridgway
State House, Boston - Stevenson
State House, Boston - Stevenson & Williams
State House, Boston - Stubbs
State House, Hartford
Staughton's Church, Philadelphia - Ridgway
Staughton's Church, Philadelphia - Stevenson & Williams
Table Rock, Niagara
Tappan Bay from Greenburgh
Transylvania University, Lexington
Troy from Mount Ida
Unidentified Prison
United States Hotel, Philad'a
University of Maryland
Upper Ferry Bridge over the River Schuylkill
View at Hurl Gate, East River
View Near Catskill on the River Hudson
View Near Philadelphia, A
View of Governor's Island
View of the Aquaduct Bridge at Little Falls
View of Trenton Falls #1
View of Trenton Falls #2
View on the Road to Lake George New York
Virginia Church
Wadsworth Tower #1 - Wood
Wadsworth Tower #2 - Wood
Wadsworth Tower - Stevenson
Washington's Seat, Mount Vernon
Water Works, Philadelphia
White House, Washington
Winter View of Pittsfield, Mass
Woodlands near Phila.a
Wright's Ferry on the Susquehanna