More details on Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Source printIt was later adapted for the first, 1830-32 London edition of Hinton's The history and topogrpahy of the United States of North America. The so-called "first Hinton view" has the inscriptions "Drawn by A.J. Davis, NY" in the lower left and "Engraved and printed by Fenner Sears & Co." in the lower right, and "London Published Sep. 1 1830 by Jennings & Chaplin & JT Hinton" centered below the title. The Hinton version makes several alterations to the 1828 Davis-Pendleton view, adding a man, woman and child and dog in the foreground, moving the horse and rider to the far right, and other figures in the background. Denison Kimberly engraved a second version of this image after Andrew Jackson Davis' drawing for the first American edition of John Howard Hinton's The history and topography of the United States of North America, published in 1834. The American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge v. 1 no. 5 (1834) produced a woodcut version of the Hinton v. 2, titled "Harvard College" --possibly cut by Abel Bowen. |